BusConnects Consultations
There is quite some interest in the proposals presented as part of the draft plans for the BusConnects Cork. These plans can be found here: Of particular interest to residents of the Douglas area are the plans for the…
community, heritage, biodiversity
community, heritage, biodiversity
There is quite some interest in the proposals presented as part of the draft plans for the BusConnects Cork. These plans can be found here: Of particular interest to residents of the Douglas area are the plans for the…
Frameworks Films provided us with this nice video highlighting the beauty and importance of the Mangala (Ballybrack Woods).
Douglas Tidy Towns has been working closely with ecologists from Wild Work – SECAD over the last two years on the development of a Biodiversity Action Plan for the Douglas area. The project included detailed habitat mapping and site surveys,…
As of May 4 outdoor workers were all able to return to work, which means we can return to all our activities this weekend. We meet at the Community Park by the Tidy Town’s shed each Saturday weather permitting. ALL…
To mark the centenary of the Declaration of Irish Independence, the First Dáil Éireann and the beginning of the War of Independence Douglas Tidy Towns invites you to the official opening of Independence Park in Douglas (located across the road…