There are many wildflowers and native plants here in the Mangala. Throughout human history, people have harvested wild plants for food, flavour, medicines, building materials, furniture, rope and cloth. We no longer need to do this for survival, but getting to know a few edible plants is a great way of connecting with nature and understanding how natural habitats support human life.
The trail will introduce you to 20 wild plants that are safe to eat. Look out for the posts with QR codes along the trail. These link to information about each plant – how to identify it and how to use it safely.
Foraging for food is not like going to a supermarket – the plants aren’t labelled so you must be sure of their identification before picking them! And there won’t be another delivery along next week, so don’t take more than you need or can process on the day you pick them. Please ensure you leave at least two thirds of what is there for other people and for the animals that depend on these plants for food. Pesticides and fertilisers are not used in the Mangala, but be aware that plants may be affected by animal waste, so always wash what you harvest before use.
Click on the plant symbols on the map to learn more!