Donal Dempsey R.I.P.

It is with great sadness that we learned of the death today of Donal Dempsey R.I.P. one of the most dearest and dedicated members of Douglas Tidy Towns.

Donal was a well known and liked person in our community but it was as a hard working member of Douglas Tidy Towns that we got to know him well over many years. He was a familiar figure in Grange as he took on the job of keeping that area clean and litter free. Whilst we meet regularly every Saturday, Donal could be seen at work any day of the week. He also single-handedly painted the black and white markings on the roundabouts of Douglas and despite knowing he was very ill, he came out this Spring and assisted with the flower planting of containers and was down on his hands and knees weeding the village of Douglas. Donal died peacefully in Marymount Hospice.

We will all miss him and extend our sympathy to his relatives and friends. It can be truly said of him “Ní bheidh a leithéid arís ann”.